Yojana is a monthly publication dedicated to socio-economic matters, commencing its journey in 1957 under the editorship of Mr. Khuswant Singh. It currently circulates in 13 languages including English, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Assamese, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, and Odia.
While numerous specialized newspapers and magazines focus on economic affairs, primarily targeting urban and affluent readers in SEC ‘A’ and ‘B’ categories, access to such publications in smaller towns remains limited. Yojana endeavors to bridge this gap by reaching out to people in semi-urban areas falling within SEC ‘C’ and ‘D’ categories, delivering content in their native languages.
Despite being government-sponsored, Yojana maintains editorial independence, striving to offer balanced perspectives on various issues. It doesn't merely echo government viewpoints but also acknowledges commendable efforts while providing constructive criticism when necessary, thereby offering a diverse range of opinions and ensuring a well-rounded portrayal of topics.